22 Nov 2021

What If I Don’t Desire to Pray?

Por Dr. J. Alberto Paredes

Crossway, John Onwuchekwa, 2020

This is not Onucheckwa’s first book on prayer. However, this booklet deals with a relevant and recurring question among Christians. 
This little book, which may be read in less than a day, goes deep into our hearts to answer the question: Why is it that there is no desire for praying? 
But the answer goes far beyond expected. It not only provides entirely philosophical reasoning but one very practical as well. An exciting thesis is presented: To ponder the reality of the resurrection is the key to unlock a prayer life based on a relationship rather than a regime.
With Biblical support as needed, the author goes on to show the significance of both God’s Word as God’s people for our public and private prayer life. 
Now, it’s brevity is a two-edged sword. Because of it, some topics might let us wanting more insight or further explanation; other minor comments may seem unclear. However, for the minister, time is not an excuse to avoid reading this title. For the layman, it is written in a concise form, with easy language.
Overall, this is a great starting point for all of us to pursue the sweet practice of prayer.

I want to thank Crossway for providing me with a review copy of this book.

Médico graduado de la Universidad Anáhuac Mayab. Director y Fundador de Enviados México. Maestro en Divinidad y Maestro en Estudios Teológicos, y por el Seminario Teológico Reformado de Charlotte, Carolina del Norte. Autor del libro «Santa Cena Virtual». Ha publicado entradas en otros ministerios como Dios es Santo; y artículos oficiales en el Christian Research Institute. Pasión creciente por la Palabra, y pasión por Latinoamérica.

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